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Inventu Viewer+ Configuration Management

When using Web Sockets, this option allows control over how the client manages a loss of the websocket within the network.  


This setting is generally not recommended except for the most unstable websocket environments.


When checked an additional light-duty websocket is opened for each client.  This websocket waits on an exit event from the primary websocket should there be a network problem.  In many environments, a websocket may be closed by a network layer due to frequent keystrokes appearing to be a denial of service attack.  This is a historical problem due to web sockets running on an HTTP protocol.  There are other possible any case, it happens and FVTerm can restore the web socket and the terminal emulation session in under 1 second when this option is active.


When un-checked (default) then after 50 seconds of no response, the user will be asked if the websocket should be reconnected.