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Inventu Viewer+ Configuration Management

When the User Connection Identity is not set to "none" you can use this option to ensure that an active session cannot be "hi-jacked" somehow by another user.  There are many measures that can be taken to ensure this doesn't happen (see Session Connection Security ), but a crafty user with a browser debugger can sometimes get around any prevention!


By checking, the active user identity as provided by your active IAM option will be verified any time a user reconnects to a session...this can be due to a websocket recovery or using the Track Users Active Sessions and Display Users Active Sessions options, where a user can click on an active session to reconnect.


Un-Checked step_default_24

User identity will not be verified during a reconnect.  In some environments that are using "homegrown" user identity, this may be required as the user identity may not always be available during recovery or clicking on an active session.


User Identity will be verified on each reconnect, whether by clicking an an active session or a websocket / Ajax error recovery event.


Note that when a user is not verified during a Strict User check, the following will be displayed (translated if user is not English-speaking):


 Network Errors caused loss of connection to your session--if this continues please contact your technical support team


There will also be a log file written to the active FVTerm log folder (default c:\programdata\inventu\fvterm\logs), with the name "wronguser_[cookie name].log" which will contain the client-side websocket log to assist in any diagnostics of how the wrong user event occurred.