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Inventu Viewer+ Web Service Generator

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Guide to Application Roles and Behaviors

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Understanding how the typical screen-based application works and introducing you to the terminology used in the Viewer Studio is a prerequisite for any developer or business analyst planning on generating web services.


Since the organization of modeling and mapping of a Inventu application is based on Screens, Fieldmaps and Fields, this guide is organized around these entities.


In the Studio Project Explorer, you categorize and define these objects in the following hierarchy:


Screen Definitions are associated with visible screens belonging to the Project

One or more FieldMap definitions can be defined as belonging to each Screen Definition

One or more Field definitions can be defined as belonging to each FieldMap


As part of the application definition, modeling and generation logic, the Inventu Viewer developers have identified common aspects or roles for each of these definitions or entities.  These roles (and behaviors) are identified for each entity through a variety of properties which you control through the property grid associated with each individual entity's definition in the project workspace.


While clicking with the mouse to select and change a property is a simple action, knowing which property to set requires an understanding first of the behaviors of typical screen applications, then what design features are available in the  Web Service Generators which re-publish those features as callable web service methods.


The following sections describe the common behaviors currently modeled in the Inventu Viewer Studio and generated by the Web Service Generator.


Screen Roles and Behaviors

Fieldmap Roles and Behaviors

Field Roles and Behaviors


Please read these sections and refer back to them on an ongoing basis, to help you in your use of the Inventu Viewer Studio and its associated tools.


Click to view the next section, Screen Roles and Behaviors