Flynet Viewer 2016 Web Service Generator

Drilldown List

Drilldown List

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Drilldown List

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The Drilldown List screen is one that is required to be navigated-through in order to get to a desired screen or set of screens.  For example, in many systems you cannot simply enter a key variable value and get the information for that variable: you must Search for the subject entity, then select it from a Multi-row List.


HostThe Drilldown list screen is used as a form of dynamic menu to provide a user the ability to find an entity, then select it for viewing. Note: a Self-Contained search screen is assumed to be a drill-down list if it has an action or selectable row capability.
WSThis type of screen is handled by including the screen in a task so that the Auto Select properties can be set for the TaskScreen object (only available with Finite State Logic generator).



On this screen, which is also the Self-Contained Search from the previous section, the user must select a row with 1 to update or 5 to View before accessing the Update or View screen(s) for a Case.


Click to view the next section, Pop-up Message Screen