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Who can use Inventu Viewer+?

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IFYour organization runs, or accesses applications on one of the following platforms:


IBM Mainframe using 3270 terminals or terminal emulators

IBM AS/400 / iSeries / IBMi using 5250 terminals or terminal emulators

DEC/VAX/SUN/ORACLE minicomputer using VT100/VT220/VT320/ViewPoint/Wyse50/Wyse60/ANSI/XTERM terminals or emulators

UNIX / HPUX / AIX / Linux / Pick / MultiValue character-based applications (not X-Window or Motif)


ANDYou need to replace Desktop or Java-based terminal emulators like IBM Host-on-Demand, Attachmate Reflection for the Web or Rocket Bluezone Web

OR             You are tired of the limitations and high cost of Desktop Terminal Emulators

ORYou have a room full of servers flashing emulation screens and performing poorly due to limitations of a first generation "web to host" product


THENThe Inventu Viewer+ can provide low cost, high availability access with the best User Satisfaction in the Industry


When Do you Use Inventu Viewer+?


Improving Terminal Emulation Access, Security and Performance


Many organizations are still using Java-based or ActiveX-based Web Terminal Emulators from IBM (Host on Demand), WRQ/Attachmate/MicroFocus (Reflections for the Web) or Rocket (BlueZone).  These options are no longer workable in the modern web browser environment.  Client access is restricted to Internet Explorer 11 as well as forcing PC configuration options that prevent newer, more secure versions of Java to be installed.


Inventu Viewer+ Pure Web Terminal Emulation is the answer as our administration, configuration and management tools can enable migration of large Host on Demand installations, as well as Reflections for the Web and BlueZone.  We have large customers that have migrated from each of these products!


Meanwhile, traditional Desktop Terminal Emulators impose severe cost and availability limitations on today's increasingly mobile work force.  Inventu Viewer can provide secure access to any device and any modern browser with zero administration and setup hassles. Inventu's shared licensing spreads costs across multiple users (license is based on maximum connected users, not per-seat or PC).  As your users still need occasional access to mainframe applications but not full-time, why pay for a full-time license?


As your users could benefit from being able to access applications on their tablets or home laptops, why restrict them and keep their access chained to their desk?  Solve it with Inventu Viewer.