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Flynet Studio User Interface Generation Properties

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VisualStudioFolderName (string)

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If you would like to customize the images and CSS files that are published with your solution at code generation time, you can set a simple name (no path characters--this is a folder that is relative to your Flynet Solution files physical location on disk).


This also supports additional Visual Studio modules merged into your generated project, including class module .cs, ASPX and any other resource.


When you enter a valid folder name here, on tabbing-out of the field, Flynet Studio will create the folder as a sub-directory to the location of the active Solution file (.fvsln file).  On creating the folder, this folder tree is created:













The subfolders correspond to the folders in the generated Visual Studio solution of the same name.


At code generation time, the Visual Studio folders are copied to the new web solution folder(s).  If you have this property set with a name, and have files in the sub folders, those files will be copied after the standard files.  If a file is new, an entry will be merged into the Visual Studio project corresponding to the parent folder and based on the file extension and relation to other files in the folder.


For Web Preview, the Web\css, Web\Images and Web\Images\AutoIcons will be copied as part of web preview.