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Flynet Studio User Interface Generation Properties

Select a FieldMap template to generate this FieldMap in web pages.  Templates provided in the template picker come from the folder c:\program files\flynet\viewer\studio\projtemplates\WebMapLists.


There are two provided templates at the time of this writing:





Generates an FVSubFile user web control.  The FVSubFile control utilizes DHTML to load into an iFrame from the FVList.aspx page.  This creates the full-function Flex gridview used to manage action-based subfiles, selection subfiles and so on.


Note that the Standard list view supports page-forward through the list and thus can be used for very large lists.

Inline View

Generates a view-only, "quicky" in-page table as the page is created.  This is a "one-shot" construction of the list and will be limited to the number of screens defined in the ScreenReadMax property.