The Insure Script.xml file is provided and installed in the Simulated Host Scripts folder. When you first start the Simulated Host following installation, the Insure script will be active.
This script is a simulation of a fictional insurance company in the United States named Iowa Marine.
The principal purpose of the script is to provide training and tutorial support for new users of the Inventu Viewer+ development tools.
Included features of the script are:
•Complex logon sequence
•Error messages for incorrect data entry
•Navigation using entered data or function keys
•Search results screens that require navigation in order to view the complete list
This is a relatively realistic script, except for the fact that the error messages always tell you what you need to key in order to continue!
Since the application isn't that easy to understand, a Workflow Recording has been provided in order to teach you how to work with the Simulated Host Insure application.
The name of the recording is Simhost.rec and you simply have to open the View Workflow Recording entry from the Start menu and select the SimHost.rec to understand how to access the provided sample.