Flynet Simulated Host

Using Log Files

Using Log Files

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Using Log Files

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When the input file provided to the Simulated Host (see Selecting a script file and Compiling) has an extension of .log it is assumed to be a log file produced by the Flynet Viewer Server.


Flynet Viewer log files can originate either through having trace on in the Service properties, activated through the Administration Settings dialog, or through the use of the Workflow Screen Recorder.


Trace Files


Trace files are originated when tracing is active in the Flynet Viewer and are saved in the product subfolder Logs with the filename Flyserv.log.  To enable the use of a trace file you have created (note that you use the View Trace File application to clear the trace file and/or view it to see if the screens are what you wish to capture as a Simulated Host script):


1.Locate the Flynet Viewer\Logs folder
2.Copy the Flyserv.log file (only one will be active at any time) from the Logs folder to the SimHostScripts folder
3.To ensure that the file is useful on an ongoing basis, rename Flyserv.log to a logical name for the screen sequence you wish to reproduce using the Simulated Host


WorkFlow Recordings


How you utilize Workflow Recordings is very similar to using Trace Files:


1.Locate the Flynet Viewer\Logs\Recordings folder
2.When you create a recording, you provide a name for the recording to the recording dialog--this name will have an extension of .rec
3.Copy the  file (only one will be active at any time) from the Logs folder to the SimHostScripts folder
4.To ensure that the file is useful on an ongoing basis, rename your recording file to a logical name for the screen sequence you wish to reproduce using the Simulated Host, and at the same time change the extension from .rec to .log


Now, whether you have copied a trace file or a recording file to the Simulated Host Scripts folder, the file can now be loaded and compiled using the functionality described in Selecting a script file and Compiling.