Flynet Simulated Host

Screen Tag

Screen Tag

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Screen Tag

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The Screen tag is the primary container for all definitions and logic associated with a particular screen contained in the script.


At least one Map tag is required, which defines the screen contents...more than one Map tag can be included, so that it is easy to rapidly define more than one variant of what is considered the same screen.  For example, a list screen that is full compared to a list screen that is half full (last screen in a multi-screen list).


The actual logic of how screens transition and display errors is implemented using the Script tag.  Each Script tag is associated with a specific event. The possible screen events are summarized and described in the Script Event Block Tag section.


The Screen tag's attributes are as follows:



Default / Required




Name of the screen--should be unique and descriptive, but without spaces or special characters



Determines if the map should clear the current screen buffer prior to setting the contents from the map.


Child Tags Allowed:


Map Tag
Script Event Block Tag




<Screen name="Welcome" clear="yes">

 <Map ...>


 <Script ...>



 <Script ...>

