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Inventu Viewer+ Server Macros

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PutClientFile - will send/download a file to the client and display a message to the user

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PutClientFile will send/download a file to the client and display a message to the user along with action buttons


MacroDialogRC PutClientFile(string filePath, string message, string title  
[, MacroMessageType icon] [, MacroButtons buttons] [, int timeOut])





Required. The full path to the file to be sent /downoaded to the client.



 Required. The message that is displayed to the client describing the file being sent / downloaded.



 Required. The title displayed at the top of the download message at the client.



 Optional. Icon to be displayed.  Default value is



 Optional. Buttons to be displayed.  Default value is MacroButtons.ok



 Optional. Number of milliseconds to wait for client response.  -1 means no timeout (indefinite wait).  Default value is -1 (indefinite wait)



What occurs at the client depends on the web browser being used.  The file is sent as a standard HTTP encapsulated file, so the behavior should be familiar to the user.  Note that since users can cancel a file download, the return code and button clicked is the only way for the user to indicate an "ignored" file.



Please refer to the full example of file upload/download in the GetClientFile section.