The ClientPrompt call will display a prompt with a single input value for the client to enter.
MacroDialogRC ClientPrompt(string label, ref string text, string description, |
Required. The prompt displayed in the dialog for the text value to be entered.
Required. The text that the user has entered. NOTE: this is a reference value, so you need to have a string value defined and pass this as a ref parameter. You can initialize the value to null or any string value appropriate for the prompt.
Required. The title displayed for the HTML input field used when the mouse hovers over it.
Required. The title displayed at the top of the prompt as displayed to the user
Optional. FVInpEnum value indicating type of input. Default = FVInpEnum.text. Note that at this time the ClientPrompt does not support the FVInpEnum.radioButtons option and will treat them as text input.
Optional. Icon to be displayed. See MacroMessageType enumeration. Default=MacroMessageType.question
Optional. Buttons to be displayed. See MacroButtons enumeration; you can combine multiple values with the OR | symbol. Default=MacroButtons.ok | MacroButtons.cancel
Optional. Number of milliseconds to wait for client response. -1 means no timeout (indefinite wait). Default value is -1 (indefinite wait)
Your macro code will wait until the user enters a value and clicks on a button unless the timeout parameter is used. You can then check on which button was clicked by setting a MacroDialogRC value as the return and using the MacroDialogRC in logic.
public override MacroRunResult run()
string pw = null;
MacroDialogRC rc = this.ClientPrompt("Insure System Password: ", ref pw,
"The password to signon with...", "Signon Password Entry",
FVInpEnum.password, MacroMessageType.question,
MacroButtons.ok | MacroButtons.cancel);
if (rc == MacroDialogRC.ok)
this.oScreen.putCommand("simmy[enter]", 2000);
this.oScreen.putCommand("2[enter]", 2000);
this.oScreen.putCommand("simmy[tab]"+pw+"[enter]", 2000);
// Only continue if password advanced the screen successfully
if (oScreen.getText(1,1,3)=="DFH")
this.oScreen.putCommand("[clear]", 1000);
return MacroRunResult.ok;