Flynet Screen Workflow Recording Guide



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The Flynet Viewer Screen Workflow Screen Recorder and Recording Viewer work together to provide documentation of your screen-based transactions.


As with other applications in the Flynet Viewer product family, the Screen Recorder and Recording Viewer are Windows HTML Applications.  They require that Internet Explorer 6 be installed (or a higher version).  This is to ensure compatibility with the advanced DHTML features used in the Screen Recorder and Recording Viewer.


What is a Screen Workflow?


The term "workflow" is used in the context of a particular task such as finding a customer's total balance due, or a health insurance patient eligibility.  Using the term "transaction" would be inappropriate, since in many cases the execution of a particular task, or workflow, involves the use of many operator interactions and existing application transactions.


The Screen Recorder


Using the Screen Recorder, analysts along with expert application users can create an on-going record of the "right way" to perform a particular task using your terminal-based application.  The Screen Recorder works with all three of the supported emulation environments: TN3270, TN5250 and even the character-based VT100.


The Screen Recorder integrates an emulation window with a documentation form, providing a structured approach to documenting the decisions and interactions involved in proceeding through a workflow.


The Recording Viewer


The Recording Viewer provides access to recordings created with the Screen Recorder.  A screen index is provided on the left side of the window to provide rapid access to individual screens displayed during the workflow.


A playback mechanism allows a user of the Recording Viewer to view an animation of the keystrokes performed on each individual screen.


To strengthen the utility of the record/view system, the Recording Viewer also includes the ability to update each screen's individual documentation, so that a recording can be utilized throughout the project life cycle as a single-source for application "how-to" information.