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Flynet Screen Workflow Recording Guide

Individual screen definition XML is generated in one of two ways:


 1. While in view mode, using the Generate Definition XML button:




 2. While in Information Update mode, using the GenXML button:





As with the whole file XML generation, the information is copied to the clipboard.  A screen with the following information associated with it creates the XML following it on this page:




<Screen name="Start">

 <Comment>Initial screen displayed</Comment>

 <Reference recFile="SimHost.rec" timeStamp="15:45:54.590"/>

 <Recognize type="include" row="1" column="27" text="M U L T X T E R M"/>

 <Recognize type="include" row="10" column="3" text="SWITCHIT"/>

 <FieldMap name="default">

         <Field name="UserProfile" row="22" column="23" length="8"/>

         <Field name="Password" row="22" column="53" length="8"/>

