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Flynet Screen Workflow Recording Guide

Navigation: Getting Started

Files and Folders

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Application Files


The Screen Recorder and Recording Viewer applications are HTML-based applications which utilize the Windows HTML Application format, which has an extension of .HTA.  HTA files enable full keyboard access as well as access to the system registry, and other features of the system not normally available to a DHTML application.


These are stored in the ADMIN folder of the FSA installation, and are named:


NewRec.HTA                Will create a new recording

ViewRec.HTA        Will view an existing recording


There are also a number of javascript supporting files for the HTA files, also in the ADMIN folder.


Recordings Files

A Screen Workflow recording is a standard ASCII text file.  It is a fixed record format that includes timestamp, record type and detail information in each file.


Recording files are stored in the Recordings Folder which may be set using the Administration Service Settings.


When you create a recording, two files are created.  Both will have your name as the base of the name, with two different extentions.  The .log file is provided to enable use in the recording with the Screen Simulator service, which can read the log file and playback the interaction of the host with a terminal emulator or application.


The .rec file is the actual recordings file that is viewed (and updated) with the Recording Viewer.


You can copy and manage the .rec and .log files like any other file, and can manage multiple sets of files in different folders and use the Recordings Folder setting to manage the active folder.