Flynet Studio Core Navigation Properties

TaskInitiationType (selection)

TaskInitiationType (selection)

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TaskInitiationType (selection)

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How tasks in a project are initiated.  Default setting for how tasks in a project are initiated.  Default is for task to navigate to first screen using keyVariable navigation fields from homescreen.





The Start() method for the task will navigate to the first TaskScreen from the defined HomeScreen.  Navigation will start with the first screen requiring any keyVariable navigation fields between the homescreen and the first TaskScreen to ensure that the correct data is returned.


Note that the UseDefault option utilizes the full navigation engine and all available recordings.  UseDefault works with a variety of host navigation approaches, including menus.


Use this setting if part of the navigation to the screens in this project requires a combination of literals and positional parameters (a complex command) to initiate a task.


No assumed navigation should be performed at the start of this task.  Any navigation needed to reach the first mandatory taskscreen will proceed from the active screen when the task is initiated.


This setting assumes that the task is part of a collection of tasks with separate tasks designed for selection of a particular context screen on the host (like an account summary screen).


Unlike the UseDefault initiation, any navigation needed to position the screen to the first mandatory screen will not use keyVariables, so when the generated task is called, the screen should be on the correct screen or a "sub-screen" (like the Account Invoices screen off of Account Summary, where a PF12 or other "return" key will easily return to the base screen).