Flynet Studio Core Navigation Properties

NextFieldKey (Selection)

NextFieldKey (Selection)

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NextFieldKey (Selection)

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For a character mode host, how the location of the cursor can be changed from one field to the next.  Note that in most data entry code, if a field is identified as having an "AutoSkipNext" property, and the data being keyed has a length equaling the length of the field, this key is presumed to be unnecessary.


Note that this same property exists in Field objects, which has a "Default" setting that it will inherit from this setting.  In addition, the Field level property provides for a custom set of keystrokes that can be set on a per-field basis.




Default (default)

Use the active setting for NextFieldKey in the Parent Project Definition.

Tab Key

The [TAB] key is used to move to the next field.

Enter Key

The [ENTER] key is used to enter a field and move the cursor to the next entry field.  This may behave differently on the last field on the screen, as this may then act as an enter for the entire screen, not just the field.

Enter or ESC

This special case is for hosts that require the ESC key to be sent for a "skip this entry" or "enter the default value".  Since the Flynet framework supports NULL entries for parameters in web services and other automation objects, if a field values is NULL, the ESC will be sent if this setting is active.


For normal data entry (non-null value), the Enter key will be sent, as with the "Enter Key" setting.


The [ESC] key is used to tab to the next field...very rare!