Flynet Studio Core Navigation Properties

FieldEntryClass (string)

FieldEntryClass (string)

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FieldEntryClass (string)

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Only displayed and valid for a character-mode host.  The FieldEntryClass approach was introduced in 2015 for managing the keying of data into the dynamic screen layouts common with UNIX/VMS/Pick/Multibalue screens.  With the FieldEntryClass approach, every entry-capable field on a screen can have a unique set of logic designed to manage the entry/update of the field data.


The default class as generated into projects is the UIEntryField class.  This is a generic class that assumes traditional [tab] or [enter] keys to enter data as well as jump the cursor to the next field on the screen.


Use of FieldEntryClass


Set to the name of the Field Entry Class for this field (blank uses ScreenDef FieldEntryClass if not blank, or standard class of UIEntryField).


Note that in addition to the UIEntryField, another provided class in standard projects is UIEntryByFieldID which addresses applications that use a field number to position the cursor in a specific field.