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Inventu Viewer+ Single Signon Server Extension

This module contains the code for four classes which map to configuration items as follows:



Configuration Line



Host and HostNames

Manages Host Screens and working methods



Manages Recog and ScreenState lists plus Screen methods



Small class that evaluates compiled Recog lines



Manages list of IScreenAction actions and executes


Host Class

The Host class contains a list of Screen objects as compiled in the FVExtLogger static constructor.  It manages generation of DeviceID strings based on the SetDeviceID configuration line as well as saving and restoring context of key data based on any Recycling/stop/start of the FVTerm v4.0 Application pool.


Screen Class

Manages a list of Recog and ScreenState objects as compiled following the source ScreenName line.  Provides two simple methods for runtime purposes:


public bool IsScreen(HostScreen oScreen)


Returns true if the list of Recog objects evaluate all true for this screen.


public bool Exec(HostScreen oScreen, Dictionary<string, object> connectInfo, bool inBound)


Evaluates the active "state" field/variable and if there is a matching ScreenState, calls that ScreenState's Exec method.  Returns the state handler's return.

ScreenState Class

A small class that manages list of IScreenAction actions as compiled following the source WhenState line.  Along with a few maintenance methods, the Exec method is the primary purpose of this class:


public bool Exec(HostScreen oScreen, Dictionary<string, object> connectInfo)


The Exec method will execute each Action until one returns a false indicating an error or other issue.


If Tracing is active, will trace each action called along with results.