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Using the Inventu Viewer FTP Server Macro

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FTPProfile Settings

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The FTPProfile object is initially set using FTPProfile=id.  See the example below.


Once an FTPProfile definition is initiated with the FTPProfile key name, the settings include:







(default=first defined FTPHost)

The ID of an FTPHost definition that this profile will use to connect and perform FTP actions such as uploading a file.  If not specified, the first FTPHost defined is assumed.




When specified, only users with this text found inside their IAMAttribute will be provided the option to upload using this profile.


Note that if a user only matches to a single profile, that profile will automatically be used and the user will not be provided a list to select from.  For example, accessFlag=S and the user's IAMAttribute contains only "S".



(default=use root folder for FTP user ID)

Optional setting that specifies a sub-folder that this profile's upload actions will target.  If there is more than one level in the setting, use a forward slash.  The sub-folder(s) do not need to exist at the FTP root folder; they will be created the first time a file is uploaded using this profile.


Example: targetFolder=Spreadsheets/expenses


text (required)

Used for Radio Button selection text if a user has more than one active profile and Title of the upload once the user is being prompted for selecting the file to upload.


text (required)

Used for Radio Button title text (rollover tip-text) as well as more detailed information about the upload once the user is being prompted for selecting the file to upload.


text (required)

A file name with optional extension.  Depending on the setting for strictFileName this may act as a template, especially if no extension or the extension * (asterisk) is used.  Note that the .doc and .xls extensions are recommended for Microsoft Office files as both .doc and .docx are matched for .doc and both .xls and .xlsx are matched for .xls.


Example 1-- (will only accept file named "expenses.xls"):  




Example 2-- (will accept any .xls or .xlsx file):  




Example 3-- (will accept any file):  






Combines with the fileTemplate to determine if the user has to upload an exact file name or can upload either any file or a file with a specific extension, like .XLS.


text (required)

Displayed to the user as a prompt for the file once the user is being prompted to upload the file (along with the Profile Description).




You can control the uploaded file's name/target folder with this setting combined with the userIDAsFolder setting.  How the user's IAM userID is formatted/used depends on the following:



The user's full id will be used with all special characters converted to underscores to avoid issues with the FTP and target server's file naming system.


The user's id will not be pre-pended to the file name, nor will it be used as a folder name even if userIDAsFolder=true;


If the user ID is an email address, only the portion prior to the @ sign in the address will be used.  Any special characters will be converted to underscores to avoid file naming issues (for example, a dot/period will be converted to underscore).





When false, the prePendUserID option is first used, and then the result is pre-pended to the filename using an underscore character (to create a simple file name targeting the targetFolder.


When true, the result of prePendUserID will be used as the target folder name and the selected file will be placed in that folder (the folder will be created if it doesn't already exist).