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Inventu Viewer+ Studio Help

Set true if this screen is displayed "in-front" of a screen that needs to use CursorHomeColumn and/or CursorHomeRow for initial recognition, but once this screen is returned from, the cursor may be in any of the write-capable fields or fields with "CursorMayLocate" set true.




When CursorHomeColumn and/or CursorHomeRow are used as part of screen recognition, they may interfere with quick and synchronized recognition when the screen they are defined on is "already active".  For example, when first displayed, a screen may have the cursor in the correct location as defined by CursorHomeColumn and CursorHomeRow.  But if another screen is displayed as a popup, or a full screen that is displaying details about something, when that screen is exited or returned from, the cursor will be in the location it was prior to the new screen being displayed.


Note that when a screen has FloatingWindow or the UI IsWindowPopup set to true, this value is assumed true and does not need to be set.