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Inventu Viewer Microsoft Management Console Snap In

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Inventu Viewer MMC Introduction

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The Inventu Viewer Microsoft Management Console Snap-In provides both local and remote management of both Inventu Viewer individual servers and Server Clusters.


With a separate installer for remote access, help desk and administrators can install the MMC SnapIn at their personal workstations for simplified management without the need for Remote Desktop access to individual servers.


Accessing the Inventu Viewer MMC can be accomplished both from the Start menu as well as the Inventu Viewer Taskbar Notification Tray Icon.


Accessing From the Menu


There is a shortcut in the Inventu Viewer Menu, accessible as any other Start Menu shortcut depending on your operating system:




Accessing From the Notification Tray Icon


There is also a menu option to access the MMC from the Notification Tray Icon:




A new installation will include an Inventu Viewer Server entry in the MMC Treeview with localhost as the address.


Next: Inventu Viewer Services Node