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Sample Client-Side Application

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The CliSamp.html, CliSamp.aspx and CliSamp.aspx.cs make-up a sample application that demonstrates client-side integration of the Inventu Viewer emulation framework.


To try-out the application, you must configure your first host definition in your Administration Window to point to a Simulated Host running the Inventu Insurance script. Each Inventu Viewer Server includes a Simulated Host service, controlled by the Taskbar Notification Icon.


The Insure simulated host provides a sample insurance billing application and includes a complex signon sequence as well as a variety of data entry and inquiry screens.


The CliSamp.html sample Inventu Viewer client includes input fields and an output area to demonstrate the ability of client-side script to:


A) Control focus and display between a user-written IFRAME page and the Inventu Viewer emulation IFRAME.

B) Recognize the active screen

C) Read information from the active screen

D) Write information to the active screen


The same concepts demonstrated in the CliSamp.html page can easily be applied to any environment that mixes data and replicates between various data sources.  An example would be a customer support call centre that has a web-based application for managing active customer issues, but must use a mainframe application to perform live inquiries into a customer's status.


By adding-in the Inventu Viewer IFRAME to the Call Centre application, redundant key stroking as well as data entry errors can be avoided, speeding service to the customer while improving employee satisfaction and retention.