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Inventu FVTerm Web Terminal Emulation Help

The application configuration portion of the FVTerm Web.Config file are found at the top of the file:



<!-- Optional: ASP.NET hosting application name and definition file-->

<add key="Application" value="InsureUI;insure.xml;"/>

<!-- Optional: Starting application for FVTerm client connections-->

<add key="startapp" value="InsureUI"/>

<!-- Activate WebSockets on supported platforms (WS2012+, Windows8+) by setting to "yes" -->

<add key="UseWebSockets" value="no"/>

<!-- Support moving users by setting WSKeepOpen which allows closing at one browser and moving -->

<add key="WSKeepOpen" value="yes"/>

<!-- Change the default browser title for the FVTerm window -->

<add key="windowTitle" value="Inventu Viewer Host Access"/>

<!-- Change the default browser title text appended to host description when session is active -->

<add key="windowSessionText" value=" Inventu Viewer Host Access Session"/>

<!-- When set to "yes", when a user access the top FVTerm page, a list of active sessions is displayed, for potential re-connection -->

<add key="DisplayActiveSessions" value="no"/>

<!-- When set to the number of minutes before closing a session after the connection

    to the browser client communications has stopped -->

<add key="lostSessionTimeout" value="0"/>

<!-- Set to "yes" or any text but "no" to display problem reporting link when connection tiles are displayed. -->

<add key="DisplayReportLink" value="no"/>

<!-- Control how many times the FVTerm client will retry a broken websocket connection -->

<add key="WSMaxRetries" value="3" />

<!-- When trace is active, implement additional trace information for websockets -->

<add key="WSTracing" value="no"/>

<!-- For Network environments where Web Sockets occasionally get dropped (VERY COMMON!) -->

<add key="WSMonitorHealth" value="no"/>

<!-- Control how session key is managed-- add secure string to prevent any use without HTTPS -->

<add key="SecureSessions" value="httpOnly"/>

<!-- Will provide the server being used to FVTerm clients for load-balanced environments -->

<add key="serverInfo" value="Inventu Production VM #3"/>

<!-- IE (Internet Explorer) ActiveX setup defaults - on for yes, off for no ActiveX, with array of major versions-->

<add key="IEActiveX" value="{'on':[6],'off':[7,8,9,10]}"/>

<!-- Hide selected icons in the tray area -->

<add key="HideTrayIcons" value="histIcon, macIcon"/>

<!-- Maximum number of screens saved in history for user review (oldest discarded) -->

<add key="screenHistoryMax" value="100"/>

<!-- For ASCII protocols, the number of characters in a buffer indicated "new screen" -->

<add key="historySaveSize" value="500"/>

<!-- Show selected icons in the tray area -->

<add key="ShowTrayIcons" value="xferIcon=sessFolder"/>

<!-- While client is active, set activity timer for session to prevent timeouts-->

<add key="keepSessionsActive" value="no"/>

<!-- When connecting with out-dated version, cancel connection and inform user-->

<add key="ForcedUpgrades" value="no"/>

<!-- Display connection menu or just start--user can configure-->

<add key="AutoStart" value="no"/>

<!-- Function Key Hotspots can be a button or transparent, use SCHS for Button,

    SCHST for Transparent-->

<add key="HotSpotClass" value="SCHS"/>

<!-- If you need to host an FVTerm iFrame in an application that is not on the same server or has a different port, set this to the top-level domain that both servers are on and you ALSO need to set in FVTerm.html-->

<add key="setDomain" value=""/>

<!-- Enable switching in load balanced environment to different server-->

<add key="loadBalancerCookie" value="ARRAffinity"/>

<!-- Manage type of identification needed for connecting/licensing-->

<add key="connectIdentity" value="windowsUser"/>

<!-- Default Padding character for 3270 entry fields that use a character instead of blank, use \0 for none-->

<add key="padChar" value="\0"/>

<!-- Restrict stripping the pad character to password fields only-->

<add key="stripPadPWOnly" value="yes"/>

<!-- Activate creation and logging to SessionStats.csv in the ProgramData\[Inventu/Viewer]\FVTerm logging folder-->

<add key="logSessionStatistics" value="true"/>

<!-- Location of Log files when logging individual terminal sessions (optional)-->

<add key="loggingFolder" value="c:\FVLogger\Logs"/>

<!-- Standard Logging Detail, optional, only used if loggingFolder is defined-->

<add key="logLevel" value="ScreenDetails"/>

<!-- Optional: User data entry logging extension for audit trail-->

<add key="logExtension" value="c:\FVCustomLogger\FVExtLogger.dll"/>

<!-- Optional: For Logging extensions, the definition file for field locations-->

<add key="loggingDefinition" value="insure.xml"/>

<!-- Optional: when logging, determines how a log file is named-->

<add key="logNameFormat" value="{0}_{1}_{2,-14:HH:mm:ss}"/>

<!-- Maximum HTTP 1.1 Connections override (IE clients only using ActiveX control)-->

<add key="httpConnections" value="9"/>

<!-- change to your folder and page-->

<add key="defPage" value="default.aspx"/>

<!-- Set to "no" to hide/disable client preference button-->

<add key="displayPreferences" value="yes"/>

<!-- Set to "no" to hide/disable menu box for help-->

<add key="displayHelpMenu" value="yes"/>

<!-- Change to true if your host program errors if blanks are stripped from the end of entry fields-->

<add key="keepEntryBlanks" value="false"/>

<!-- Activate Sending Enter on a mouse double-Click-->

<add key="doubleClickEnters" value="yes"/>

<!-- Activate Scrolling History for VT protocols and set maximum lines retained during session-->

<add key="scrollHistoryMax" value="500"/>

<!-- Emulator or Browser entry fields and options-->

<add key="entryStyle" value="Emulator"/>

<!-- Cursor Style when entryStyle is Emulator-->

<add key="cursorStyle" value="BlockBlink"/>

<!-- Cursor background color outside of an entry field-->

<add key="cursorBackground" value="#00ffff"/>

<!-- Cursor background in entryStyle emulator data field that has light background-->

<add key="cursorDataDark" value="black"/>

<!-- Cursor background in entryStyle emulator data field that has dark background-->

<add key="cursorDataLight" value="white"/>

<!-- Cursor opacity in entryStyle emulator data field-->

<add key="cursorDataOpacity" value="1.0"/>

<!-- pixels between rows-->

<add key="lineSep" value="3"/>

<!-- active emulator font-->

<add key="termFont" value="Lucida Console"/>

<!-- active emulator font for OSX clients-->

<add key="MacTermFont" value="Courier New"/>

<!-- Set to no to prevent clients from changing -->

<add key="webServicesControl" value="no"/>

<!-- 0=none,1=refresh page,2=reserved,3=all in XML-->

<add key="webServicesLevel" value="3"/>

<!-- Set this to the default host (host1, host2 first value) -->

<add key="TermHost" value="host1"/>

<!-- Set to *required for user to pass answerback/LUName/DeviceID-->

<!-- Set to *none for no deviceID support -->

<add key="DeviceID" value="*none"/>

<!-- one per each host you want to give options for, host1, host2, host3 and so on-->

<add key="host1" value="Host1;First Screen Viewer Host"/>

<!-- Can hardcode device ID for a host by matching digit at end -->

<add key="DeviceID1" value="LU0023"/>

<add key="host2" value="Insure;Localhost 3270"/>

<!-- Can set a unique CSS stylesheet default for each host -->

<add key="cssForInsure" value="SC3270Clr.css" />

<add key="host3" value="LocalVT;Local VT Simhost (Codepage 850)"/>

<!-- Can enable File Transfers for a host (future support, separate protocols with vertical bar) -->

<add key="FileXfer_for_Host2" value="IND$FILE"/>

         <add key="host4" value="local5250;Localhost 5250"/>

<!-- one per each Stylesheet you want to give options for, css1, css2, css3 and so on, must be unique-->

<add key="css1" value="SCStyle.css;Standard;"/>

<add key="css2" value="SCStyle5251.css;Greenscreen;"/>

<add key="css3" value="SC3270Clr.css;Color 3270;"/>

<add key="css4" value="SCColor.css;Color 5250-Input Backlit;"/>

<add key="css5" value="SC5250Clr.css;Color 5250-Traditional;"/>

<add key="css6" value="SCStyleVT.css;VT100/220/320/ANSI;"/>

<!-- VT default style sheet-->

<add key="TNVTCSS" value="SCStyleVT.css" />

<!-- 5250 default style sheet-->

<add key="TN5250CSS" value="SC5250Clr.css" />

<!-- 3270 default style sheet-->

<add key="TN3270CSS" value="SC3270Clr.css" />

<!-- For browsers supporting transforms--stretch to fit window?-->

<add key="StretchFonts" value="yes"/>

<!-- default IOS and Mac Safari style sheet-->

<add key="MacTermCSS" value="SCStyleVT.css"/>

<!-- default style sheet-->

<add key="termCSS" value="SCStyle.css"/>

<!-- default style sheet-->

<!-- FONT NOTES: the following fonts are a mixture of "public domain" as well -->

<!-- as commercial fonts.  Fonts not marked as "free" or "freeware" -->

<!-- are provided for evaluation purposes only and -->

<!-- should not be provided to users without a font purchase from the respective -->

<!-- owners of the font copyrights (where applicable)-->

<add key="font1" value="Courier New"/>

<!-- one for each font to allow the user to select-->

<add key="font2" value="Lucida Console"/>

<!-- free from Microsoft-->

<add key="font3" value="Andale Mono"/>

<!-- free from Microsoft-->

<add key="font4" value="Consolas"/>

<!-- Vista "C" font- free from Microsoft, download PPT viewer for Office 2007 to install...-->

<add key="font5" value="anonymous"/>

<!-- freeware from Marc Simonson Studio: -->

<add key="font6" value="Unispace"/>

<!-- freeware from Larabie Fonts: -->

<add key="font7" value="Onuava"/>

<!-- shareware ($15) from Scriptorium: -->

<add key="font8" value="r_ansi"/>

<!-- commercial font from BitStream, popularized by Reflections emulators, -->

<add key="font9" value="Ocelot Monowidth"/>

<!-- shareware ($15) from Dennis Palumbo: -->

<add key="font10" value="VeraMono"/>

<add key="font11" value="Monofur"/>

<add key="MacFont1" value="Courier New"/>

<!-- included with OS/X-->

<add key="MacFont2" value="VeraMono"/>

<add key="MacFont3" value="Unispace"/>

<add key="MacFont4" value="Monofur"/>

<!-- Macro support for windows security--uncomment and set the admins individually

<add key="windowsSec_for_Host1" value="admins:|mydomain\userid1|mydomain\userid2|;groups:everyone;"/>

         <add key="macroAuthors_for_Host1" value="|mydomain\userid1|mydomain\userid2|" />




Each entry is defined in the file (as a .NET configuration standard) as a "name-value pair" using the add tag, with the name of defined with the key attribute and the value defined with the value attribute.


Each of the name-value pairs that provide the default settings for the emulation users are described in the following sections:


Application Setting

AutoStart Setting

css(n) Settings

defPage Setting

DeviceID Setting

DeviceID(n) Setting

DisplayPreferences Setting

EntryStyle Setting

Font(n) Settings

Hostx Settings

httpConnections Setting

IEActiveX Setting

LineSep Setting

logExtension Setting

logNameFormat Setting

loggingDefinition Setting

loggingFolder Setting

logLevel Setting

MacTermCSS Setting

MacTermFont Setting

padChar Setting

TermCSS Setting

TermFont Setting

TermHost Setting

webServicesControl setting

webServicesLevel Setting


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