trySetText Method
Set the value of an unprotected field-- will not throw an exception if the attribute is actually protected based on the context of the active data on the screen.
void trySetText(int offset, String value, int length, bool rightAdjust); |
Required. HostScreen object.
Required. The offset position on the host screen.
Required - will force padding of the field using the active paddingChar and without use of bounding attributes to determine the length of text to set.
Required - when true, will right-adjust the data within the length provided. Use this for right-adjust fields, in conjunction with the length value.
Required. The text string to put into the field.
If the offset (or row, col position) is not at the beginning of the field, the text will start at the beginning of the field. The field will be cleared before entering the value. If the field is not writable, no action is taken and no exception is thrown.
The following c# example sets two fields by row and column to their respective parameter values, then sets a system name if available.
bool Signon(HostScreen oScreen, string userID, string pw)
oScreen.setText(10, 56, userID);
oScreen.setText(11, 56, pw);
oScreen.trySetText(1020, "SYS212", 8, false);
return oScreen.putCommand("[enter]", 30000); // wait up to 30 seconds
Flynet Viewer
See Also
mappedSet | putKeys | putCommand | paddingMode | paddingChar | setText
Applies To: HostScreen object