Flynet Viewer .NET Programmer's Reference

screenToXML Method

screenToXML Method

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screenToXML Method

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Return the screen as a text string containing populated XML tags.


String screenToXML();





 Required. HostScreen object.



 Optional. This parameter is to be implemented in a future release. Use a null value.




The screen will be formatted in XML tags. Use the MSXML.loadXML (or equivalent) method to load the screen into an XML DOMDocument object.


Use in conjunction with the xmlFieldCompression property. When this property is set to true spaces will be indicated by the pipe ("|") symbol, followed by a number indicating the number of spaces to follow. For example, the screen tag will be similar to:


<Screen sessionKey="1_eqr1wa356869756" writeCount="6" rows="24" columns="80" cursorRow="22" cursorColumn="23">


The field tags will be similar to the following (note the "|14;" in the second field indicating 14 spaces):


<F i="1" r="1" c="2" l="10" a="AB">02/25/2004</F>

<F i="2" r="1" c="13" l="48" a="AB">|14;M U L T X T E R M / X M S   V9.2.5</F>

<F i="3" r="1" c="62" l="8" a="AB">MULTI   </F>

<F i="4" r="1" c="71" l="10" a="AB">TIMMY508  </F>




Flynet Viewer


See Also


mapToXML | xmlFieldCompression | xmlFieldRowBreak


Applies To: HostScreen object


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