Flynet Viewer .NET Programmer's Reference



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Signal a Screen Change event so that an operator working with a Viewer Monitor window can Approve or Reject the actions of the application.


bool HostScreen.requestMonitorApproval(String aidKey, String statusInfo,

                                            int timeout, [Out] String comment);




aidKeyRequired. Aid/Enter key to be displayed to the user of the Monitor.  This is the proposed key to be used to enter the current screen


statusInfoAny additional information to assist the Monitor user in understanding the state/phase of the current transaction


timeoutNumber of milliseconds to wait for the response from the monitor.  Note that a timeout is treated the same way as a Reject, so this value should be high enough to give the user time to react and process the proposed screen change


commentAny comment entered by the user of the Viewer Monitor--can then be saved in an application log file to assist in fixing any issues identified in this transition




True if the transition is approved (or no monitor is active), False if rejected.




The heart of the Viewer Test Monitor use, this method provides the monitoring user information on how the current screen is to be entered.


The calling application using this request should cancel any further operations on the session if the False (rejected) value is returned.




Flynet Viewer


See Also


requestMonitorConnection, closeMonitorConnection and syncMonitorScreen


Applies To: HostScreen object


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