Flynet Viewer .NET Programmer's Reference

putWithWait Method

putWithWait Method

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putWithWait Method

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putWithWait will perform a putCommand using the provided keys parameter, then will wait for the cursor to move to the requested targetRow, targetColumn.


bool putWithWait(String keys, int targetRow, int targetColumn);

bool putWithWait(String keys, int targetRow, int targetColumn, int timeOut);





 Required. HostScreen object.



 Required. The keys to send to the host, including Special mnemonics like [tab].


 Required. The row the cursor should appear in once the keys have been sent successfully.


 Required. The column the cursor should appear in once the keys have been sent successfully.


 Optional. The command timeout in milliseconds.




Use putWithWait on VT screens that enter one field at a time, and which perform field-level edits on the entries. The standard host behavior is to either move the cursor to the next field on the screen or display an error and reposition the cursor at the start of the field. putWithWait provides a convenient method of robust field-at-a-time entry in this type of screen.


putWithWait will return on one of the following conditions:


Timeout - the cursor has not moved to the target column, NOR has it moved to its starting point when the call was made

Assumed error - after sending the keys and after at least one screen update has occurred the cursor is at the starting position


The keys were sent and there was at least one screen update. The cursor is now at the target location.


Use the waitErrorColumn and waitErrorRow properties to specify where the cursor would be located in the event of an error so that the putWithWait method can throw an exception.




Flynet Viewer


See Also


putCommand | putKeys | quickSend | waitForCursor | waitForScreen | waitForUpdate | waitErrorColumn | waitErrorRow | special key mnemonics


Applies To: HostScreen object


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