Flynet Viewer .NET Programmer's Reference

getScreenID Method

getScreenID Method

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getScreenID Method

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Return the unique integer for this screen.  Will match the ScreenID enumeration for the assembly generated by the Mapper utility.


integer HostScreen.getScreenID()





 Required. HostScreen object.




The integer value starting with 1 corresponding to the ScreenID enumeration in the active generated screen definition helper assembly created by the Flynet Studio or Mapper application.


Returns 0 if the screen is not recognized (default).




With the IOHelper [projectname]Maps class generated by Flynet Studio or the Mapper application, a ScreenID enumeration is created that is based on the recursion through the active screen definition file's screens.  In this enumeration, each screen has a unique ID that is integer based.


By using the integer-based ScreenID instead of text-based screen names, recognition as well as lists of screens can be more efficiently handled.  In addition, for the developer, the ScreenID enumeration provides "spell-proof" coding since the screen names are all listed in the enumeration and are readily available to the Intellisense in Visual Studio.






ScreenID activeScreen;

activeScreen=(ScreenID) oScreen.getScreenID();

if (activeScreen != ScreenID.ComplicatedNameThatIsEasyToFindWithIntellisense)

 Throw new System.Exception("Not the right screen!");




Flynet Viewer


Applies To: HostScreen object


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