Flynet Viewer .NET Programmer's Reference

getScreenAttr Method

getScreenAttr Method

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getScreenAttr Method

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Return a ScreenAttr structure.


ScreenAttr HostScreen.getScreenAttr(int row, int column);

ScreenAttr HostScreen.getScreenAttr(int offset);



 Required. HostScreen object.



 Required. The offset position on the host screen.


 Required. The row number on the host screen.


 Required. The column number on the host screen.


This returns a ScreenAttr structure, a very simple structure containing the low-level attribute values for a portion of the screen.  If the screen is formatted, this will scan left to the first attribute byte.


The values in the ScreenAttr can provide closer server-side Cascading Style Sheet generation with the javascript DHTML that Flynet has published with the Screen Viewer Transitional Terminal Emulator.


ScreenAttr Structure


byte        originalAttr        The original host attribute

byte        attrFlags        bit structure of attribute flags

byte        entryFlags        bit structure of entry field flags

byte        extColors        Extra colors or field number for 5250 data entry


ScreenAttr Structure Flag constants


// attrFlags definitions

const byte SCATTR_FLAG=0x01; //  1 attr byte (3270/5250) / attr change (VT)

const byte SCATTR_BOLD=0x02; //  2 3270, 5250, VT

const byte SCATTR_LOW=0x04; //  4 VT

const byte SCATTR_DBCS=0x04; //  4 3270, 5250 DBCS character

const byte SCATTR_UNDERLINE=0x08; //  8 3270, 5250, VT

const byte SCATTR_BLINK=0x10; // 16 3270, 5250, VT

const byte SCATTR_REVERSE=0x20; // 32 3270, 5250, VT

const byte SCATTR_COLSEP=0x40; // 64 5250

const byte SCATTR_ENTRY=0x80; //128 3270, 5250 (unprotected)


// entryFlags definitions

const byte SCENTRY_AUTOSKIP=0x01; //  1 3270, 5250

const byte SCENTRY_SELECT=0x02; //  2 Selectable with lightpen

const byte SCENTRY_SHIFT2=0x04; //  4 Alters other flags

const byte SCENTRY_ALPHAONLY=0x08; //  8 Alpha chars only

const byte SCENTRY_RADJ=0x10; // 16 Right Adjust blank fill

const byte SCENTRY_NUMONLY=0x20; // 32 Numeric only

const byte SCENTRY_SHIFT=0x40; // 64 When on, the RADJ, RADJZ, AUTOUPPER and NUMONLY change

const byte SCENTRY_MDT=0x80; //128 field has been modified




Flynet Viewer


See Also




Applies To: HostScreen object


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