Flynet Viewer .NET Programmer's Reference

copyRows Method

copyRows Method

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copyRows Method

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Copy row data from one area of the screen to another.


bool HostScreen.copyRows(int fromRow, int toRow, int count);




Will copy one or more rows within the active screen buffer.  This enables the use of a "scratch pad" at the top of the screen so that contents of some rows can be saved and restored, or possibly moved to other areas of the screen.


Note: both fromRow and toRow can be a higher value than the active top row, but an exception will be thrown if the offset of any portion of fromRow / toRow combined with count exceeds the maximum offset (currently equal to 4096).


One use can be to save the contents of one or more rows from a partial logical row for a multirow fieldmap where there are irregular rows on the screen (widow and orphans within a multirow map with a row height greater than 1), then restore that on the next screen during paging.




Flynet Viewer


Applies To: HostScreen object


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