Flynet Studio Code Generation Properties

TaskIOType (selection)

TaskIOType (selection)

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TaskIOType (selection)

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The input-output role that this TaskScreen has within the Task's workflow.   Note that the Add New Data and Edit Existing Data settings will be ignored if the task containing this TaskScreen has Inquiry Only set for its TaskIOType.




Navigate Only

No I/O for this screen, do not read or write, only navigate-through it (may write keyVariable values)

Inquiry Only

Just read this screen as part of the workflow

Add New Data

This is a data entry screen: enter the data and then check for a good result.

Edit Existing Data

This is a data update screen: read the screen's contents and setup a return method for applying any updates to the screen.


After any update, check for a good result.

Auto Select

For a screen with a "drill-down" capable multi-row Fieldmap, generate logic to automatically select-through the list. Only applies to projects with CodeGenVersion=Finite State Logic (2008)


For the Add New Data, Edit Existing Data and Auto Select options, EntryOKScreens can be set to define an error-free entry/update.  For the the Add New Data and Edit Existing Data the EntryOKMessages property can also be set to further refine evaluation of a screen transition.